Village Court is normally held on Tuesday nights at the Village of Allegany Municipal Building located at 106 East Main Street Allegany, NY at 7:00 P.M.
Office hours at the Allegany Village Court are normally Monday through Friday from 9:00 AM - 4:00 PM. If you have a traffic ticket - review the Traffic Infraction Guide listed below and enter your plea via mail. This will help the court re-schedule traffic cases in a safe and efficient manner. Payment Options: Payments may be made in person during normal business hours. Only cash, money orders, certified checks or VISA AND MASTERCARD are accepted (2.99% charge on all cards). Certified checks or money orders should be made payable to "Village of Allegany Court". WE DO NOT ACCEPT PERSONAL CHECKS. NOTE: CREDIT CARD PAYMENTS CANNOT BE ACCEPTED OVER THE PHONE. You may fill out the bottom portion of your fine notice or print and fill out the Credit Card Payment Form below and fax it to 716-373-4388 or mail it to the address listed on the form. If you cannot make it to the court during normal business hours there is a secure drop box located outside the front of the Municipal building door. All correspondence must be placed in an envelope. Handwriting must be legible and please include either a date of birth or the docket/ticket number. A receipt will be mailed to you upon payment of any fine. Village Court Rules
Lance Brennan, Justice
Other Links of Interest
City, Town, and Village Court Resource Center / NYS Department of Motor Vehicles / NYS DMV FAQs / Miscellaneous Laws of NYS
City, Town, and Village Court Resource Center / NYS Department of Motor Vehicles / NYS DMV FAQs / Miscellaneous Laws of NYS