The American Legion was chartered and incorporated by Congress in 1919 as a patriotic veterans organization devoted to mutual helpfulness. It is the nation’s largest wartime veterans service organization, committed to mentoring youth and sponsorship of wholesome programs in our communities, advocating patriotism and honor, promoting strong national security, and continued devotion to our fellow service members and veterans. The American Legion is a nonpartisan, not-for-profit organization. The American Legion’s success depends entirely on active membership, participation and volunteerism. The organization belongs to the people it serves and the communities in which it thrives. The Allegany American Legion Charles Harbel Post #892 family is comprised of Legionnaires, Sons of the American Legion and the Auxiliary. We welcome any visitors to stop by our legion and introduce themselves. And, we are always ready to accept new members to our legion family
The Allegany American Legion Post serves a buffet type breakfast every third Sunday of the month from 8:30 AM to 11:30 AM. |
American Legion Links |
American Legion Auxiliary
Coming SOON
Sons of the American Legion
The Sons of The American Legion (SAL) is an organization of The American Legion established in 1933 in Portland, Ore. Our Squadron was chartered in 1937. Since then, the Sons have assisted The American Legion with its programs and activities. We are a service organization, affiliated with Charles Harbel Post 892 Allegany American Legion.
We are more than just a membership, we have worked to promote and contribute to children and youth programs, including providing awards for deserving Allegany/Limestone seniors through our annual Richard Straub Memorial Golf Tournament, and donations through different fund raising events. Honoring our Veterans by donating time and money to our Veterans at the VA and other Veteran related programs, decorating the graves of our service veterans. and Honoring them with our participation in the Legion Honor Guard Ritual Team at graveside services and promoting respect for our country and flag, through school flag day ceremonies, flag retirement ceremonies. We have a five point program of service which is: Patriotism - Love of the flag, love of country and respect for our Veterans for their service Citizenship - Individual obligation of citizenship Discipline - Respect for and obedience to rules Leadership - Participation in group activities Legionism - Knowledge of The American Legion All male descendants, adopted sons, stepsons of members of The American Legion, or veterans who died during service during WW1, and December 7, 1941, to date, as set forth in Article IV, Section I, of the National Constitution of The American Legion, or who died subsequent to their honorable discharge from such service, shall be eligible for membership in the Sons of The American Legion. A yearly fee for membership is $5.00 for sons 16 years of age or younger and $20.00 for all others with the exception of Sons members, 70 years of age or older who have at least 5 years of continuous membership in the Squadron will have lifetime memberships paid for by the Squadron starting with the 2015-2016 membership year. Applications are available at the Sons of the American Legion Post. Meetings are held at 7PM on the fourth Wednesday of the month at The Allegany American Legion at 4350 NYS Route 417 in Allegany. |
Sons of The American Legion School Awards: Each year the SAL awards monetary amounts to deserving Allegany/Limestone seniors, or Sons members, for a four year college, or The Richard Straub Memorial Award for a 2 year technical college or Apprenticeship. |
American Legion Riders
"If you own a motorcycle, like to ride, and are a Post, Auxiliary or Sons member please also consider joining our group of American Legion Riders" Information on joining is available at the bar or from any American Legion Rider member. |